04 Nov How Planning Ahead Your Holiday Hair Can Positively Affect You

Double Book Ahead:

Many people will pre-book their next appointment upon checkout at the salon, but as we gear up for the holidays, go ahead and book your next TWO appointments. This will allow those appointments to be on your schedule when all the class parties, holiday activities, school performance and work parties start to pile up around them.

Say Cheese:

With the holidays, come more pictures than usual. You do not want to be caught without a fresh color and cut – or even worse – not want to be in the pictures because you are not camera ready. This is a time to enjoy your family to the fullest … be ready for the pictures that you will look back on and cherish for years to come.

Less Stress:

When your appointment is scheduled well in advance, you can avoid the last minute β€œoh no!” feeling when you call and your favorite stylist or colorist is booked when you are available. There is enough stress during the holidays. Don’t let your hair be on that list. Plan ahead and look good for Santa!


Call or text (865) 694-4000 to schedule your next appointment.